Pat's Thoughts. (and movie reviews)

Sunday, December 31, 2006

"In the begining

... God created the heavens and the earth"
-%%%%%- Skips A Bit -%%%%%-
Pat creates a BLOG on blogger. I am doing this for reasons
1. I need a place to write my feelings about things and feelings about having feelings
2. Im not angsty enough to be on live journal
C. I see movies, and I want to save you ignorant bastards from yourselves!
5. I want to fit in with you violent anti war neo communist non-conformists.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

They Live

Sept. 1: Joey and I watched they live 2 nights ago. I should have a review up later today.
Sept. 5: Okay. So by today I meant after my vacation thing.
They live. It is like the Matrix + Aliens. Honestly after watching it the Matrix will not look at all unique. Directed by John Carpenter. One kick ass flick. An unemployed man has hitchhiked to an un-named town. He is living at a homeless camp and while he is watching TV some scientist interrupts to say that everyone is living in a dream state or something. That's not really important. What IS important is the kick ass violence that ensues when it turns out to be true! The movie has some kick ass quotes and stuff too so check it out. Buy it, rent it or talk to me about borrowing it.
I give it a...
3 letters of my name burned into the moon with a laser out of 3!

Note: I was on vacation in the Black Hills all weekend. Thats why you haven't seen me around.
Double note: It is my birthday tomorrow (the 6th) and I will be 20.

Friday, August 26, 2005

40 Year Old Virgin

This was the 2nd movie Danny and I went to tonight. It was very good. Like wedding crashers we felt that the movie might be ending in the first reel because it seemed we had a begining middle and end. However the movie went on fluidly. I was never bored during the duration. Wonderful Soundtrack, felt like it leaped from my MP3 player to the big screen. (Even had J.O.D.D.) A great expierience, with almost a lesson involved. Funny whenever it tried to be, serious when it needed to be. The end was satisfying. Then there is a mystery musical number in the style of an asian type musical. Basically it is like the crew does a broadway production of some sort of karate production of "Age of Aquarious". If you will see it for no other reason, see it for that! I give it a...
3 letters of my name burned into the moon with a laser out of 3!

Wedding Crashers

Saw Wedding Crashers with Danny. It was good. Seemed like the first 10 min was EVERYTHING you saw in the trailer so we half expected the movie to end in the first reel. 3 more times we thought we saw the "cigarete burn" signifying what we expected to be the last reel. The movie keeps supprising you and you dont know where the end is going to come. Negative sides include the Special Guest Star of sorts. He isnt usually very good, has only one trick, and was worse than usual. Overall a good expierience. Seemed to stray from the premise but tied it back up at the end. I give it...

2 letters of my name burned into the moon with a laser out of 3!